Use the Pickdown on multiple guitars just by adding non-damaging mounts!
AxeFix developed the Pickdown over the past 2 years. AxeFix has applied for a patent (UK Patent Pending 2200286.9) and has started marketing the product in Europe and the US. Feedback from musicians has been universally positive. The Pickdown mounts can be added to any electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic guitar or any metal stringed instrument.
Stratocaster single coil pickup from Wilkinson installed in a pickdown.
P90 single coil pickup from Wilkinson installed in a pickdown.
Tele lipstick single coil pickup from Wilkinson installed in a pickdown.
Hotrail dual coil pickup from Wilkinson installed in a pickdown.
Filter'Tron humbucker pickup installed in a pickdown.
EMG active pickup installed in a pickdown.
Tonerider humbucker pickup installed in a pickdown.